We help people grieving and overwhelmed unearth and organize their most treasured memories into a eulogy that honors their loved one’s life and gives them the comfort and praise they deserve from their friends and family when they deliver it.



Your Memories

Share your memories with us exclusively online or schedule a short phone consultation with one of our eulogy writers. The choice is yours.

Our Writing & Expertise

It’s your eulogy. We just give you the words, crafting your memories into an organized speech during one of the most challenging times in life.

Your eulogy

Eulogies are sent electronically based on your specific timeline. Receive the comfort and praise you deserve from your loved ones when you deliver it.


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Is this really my eulogy if you write it?



Yes. We couldn’t create this without you and the unique memories you hold.

Rest assured, you have all the words already. They’re just buried in the whirlwind of grief and all the memories flooding in right now. We just help you unearth them and organize them.

Don’t take on the added stress of organizing a speech during the most challenging time of your life.

Let a skilled eulogy writer unearth your memories with you and organize your words for you. Together we’ll create a eulogy you’ll be proud to deliver, so you can focus on moving through your grief.


Please accept my condolences. I lost both of my parents and I keenly remember the whirlwind. I was grieving and getting very little sleep. I could barely put two sentences together let alone write a coherent eulogy that truly captured my parent’s life.

It can seem overwhelming to sit down in our grief and organize our thoughts to create a final farewell. This is where we’d like to help.

It’s both professionally satisfying and personally healing to be a samall part of the process of shining a light on the goodness of another human being. I would love to partner with you in this. You can read more about my personal story and my mom, the inspiration for starting Lasting Eulogies by clicking HERE



Darcey Peterson, is a professional writer and speechwriter and the owner of Lasting Eulogies. Inspired by her own mom who asked, “what will people say about me when I’m gone?” She finds both professional satisfaction and personal healing shining a light on the goodness of others through eulogy writing. She’s written PR as well as speeches for politicians, CEO’s, organizational leaders, college professors and many others in a variety of professions. She is currently living in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York with her husband John and their children.

To live in the hearts of those we leave behind, it not to die
— Thomas Campbell