Our Custom Written Eulogies

A eulogy is a final opportunity to shine a light on the goodness of another human being, sharing stories that may have gone unheard otherwise. Many people don’t know where to start or how to write a eulogy.

When you hire a professional eulogy writer, you’re hiring someone highly skilled in holding space with you as you unearth memories and themes from your loved ones life, creating a speech your friends and family are sure to always remember.

Whatever you need, we can help.

Designed for people who prefer an exclusive online experience.

Simply click Custom Eulogy 1 and then fill out our Memories Collection Form after you place your order. This will take about 30 minutes depending on the level of detail you include. Your writer will contact you if more information is needed or if there are any questions. Please be sure to let us know the specific timeline in which you need your eulogy.

Designed for people who prefer to connect with their writer by phone during the writing process.

Simply click Custom Eulogy 2, and fill out our Memories Collection Form after you place your order.This will take about 30 minutes depending on the level of detail you include.

Your writer will contact you after reviewing your memories form to schedule a phone call to help you unearth more memories, clarify memories, or answer any questions you have. Please be sure to let us know the specific timeline in which you need your eulogy.


Have questions? We can help! Contact us for more information.

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